Things To Consider When Getting A Dog
Dogs are great pets. The best, in my opinion. They are also a lot of work. There is training, yearly vet visits, grooming, etc. They can be expensive. Especially if your dog ends up being special needs. They are totally worth it, though.
Things to Consider
Have a discussion with everyone living in the home. Do they all agree/want the dog? If not, maybe now is not the right time to bring one into the home.
Dogs are a huge commitment. Depending on the breed, they may live 18 years! Consider this when deciding to get a dog…can you commit to caring for them for the entire lifetime?
Research dog breeds and make sure you find one that will fit your lifestyle/.home/etc. Not all breeds are the same and you want to make sure you get one that will work well with and for you. Also consider adopting and research local shelters.
Dogs needs a lot of things to feel comfortable in a home. Make sure you are prepared before bringing the dog home. Get food/water bowls, collar, leash, toys, bed, etc. Also consider puppy proofing your home if you are bringing in a puppy.
Dogs are expensive. That’s just a fact. Yearly vaccines. Dog food. Heart worm preventative. Unexpected illness or injuries. That’s just in a normal, healthy dog. Expensive go up if they have chronic medical conditions or when they get into their senior years. Make sure you are financially able to care for a dog.
If you travel a lot, a dog is probably not the best option for you unless your dog can travel with you. Similarly, if you work long hours outside of the home, a dog is probably not the best option. Consider if having a dog will fit into your current lifestyle and if you will be able to properly care for them.
There a lot of things to consider when deciding whether or not to bring a dog into your home, but as I said, they are totally worth having in your life. Just make sure you are well prepared and willing to commit.
If you are in the IL/MO area and looking for a furry friend, consider one of these rescues: